Undergraduate Program in Meteorology
How to Apply
Learning Goals
Course Summary
Course Sequence
Careers in Meteorology
Graduate Program in Atmospheric Science
Department of Environmental Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (formerly Cook College)
Contact Us

Meteorology General Course Requirements for students matriculating Fall, 2013 through Spring, 2015

Course Requirements for students who matriculated Fall, 2015 or later

Course Requirements for students who matriculated before Fall, 2013

To serve as prerequisites for meteorology courses at the 300 and 400 level and to satisfy the major requirements, students must achieve a grade of C or better in the following courses:

11:670:201 Elements of Meteorology
11:670:202 Elements of Climatology
01:640:151-152 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
01:640:251 Multivariable Calculus
01:750:203-204 General Physics
01:760:205-206 General Physics Laboratory

Graduation Requirements for the Meteorology Major (128 credits)

  1. School Mission: Interdisciplinary Critical Analysis (3 credits)
    11:015:400 Junior/Senior Colloquium (3)

  2. Introductory Life and Physical Sciences (17 credits)
    1. Life Sciences (4)
      01:119:103 Principles of Biology (4) or equivalent
    2. Physical Sciences (13)
      01:160:161 General Chemistry (4)
      01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation (1)
      01:750:203-204 General Physics (3,3)
      01:750:205-206 General Physics Laboratory (1,1)

  3. Humanities and the Arts (6 credits)
    See suggested courses online at:  www.cookcollege.rutgers.edu/core/2003

  4. Multicultural and International Studies (6 credits)
    See suggested courses online at:  www.cookcollege.rutgers.edu/core/2003

  5. Human Behavior, Economic Systems, and Political Processes (9 credits)
    See suggested courses online at:  www.cookcollege.rutgers.edu/core/2003

  6. Oral and Written Communication (6 credits)
    01:355:101 Expository Writing I (3)
    01:355:302 Scientific and Technical Writing (3) or 01:355:201 Research in the Disciplines (3)

  7. Experience-Based Education (7 credits)
    11:670:433 Weather Analysis and Forecasting I: Synoptic Meteorology (4)
    11:670:434 Weather Analysis and Forecasting II: Mesoscale Meteorology (3)

  8. Proficiency in Meteorology (52-53 credits)
    1. Quantitative Skills (16)
      01:640:151-152 Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (4,4)
      01:640:244 Differential Equations for Engineering and Physics (4)
      01:640:251 Multivariable Calculus (4)
    2. Computer and Information Technology Competence (3)
      11:670:212 Computational Methods for Meteorology (3)
    3. Professional Ethics
      Ethical problems in environmental, meteorological, and regulatory fields are addressed throughout the program in both introductory and advanced courses.
    4. Additional Requirements (33-34)
      11:670:201 Elements of Meteorology (3)
      11:670:202 Elements of Climatology (3)
      11:670:211 Meteorological Analysis (3)
      11:670:323 Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere (3)
      11:670:324 Dynamics of the Atmosphere (3)
      11:670:431 Physical Meteorology (3)
      11:670:451 Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Atmosphere (3)
      11:670:461 Climate Dynamics (3)

      Also choose one of the following options:

      Operational Meteorology Option
      11:375:303 Numerical Methods in Environmental Science (3)
      11:670:414 Hydrologic Processes (3)
      11:670:444 Tropical Meteorology (3)

      Environmental Meteorology Option
      11:375:303 Numerical Methods in Environmental Science (3)
      11:375:202 Chemical Principles of Environmental Science (3)
      11:670:453 Air Quality Modeling (3)

      Climate Option
      01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (3)
      11:670:414 Hydrologic Processes (3)
      11:628:451 Physical Oceanography (4)

  9. Unspecified Electives (21-22 credits)
    In addition to courses meeting the above requirements, students can take any other courses offered by the University, for which they meet the course eligibility requirements, to bring their total number of credits to the minimum of 128 required for graduation.

Students preparing for graduate study in meteorology or atmospheric science are encouraged to consider additional courses in meteorology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics such as:

11:670:414 Hydrologic Processes (3)
11:670:444 Tropical Meteorology (3)
11:670:453 Air Quality Modeling (3)
01:198:323 Numerical Analysis and Computing (4)
01:640:250 Intro to Linear Algebra (3)
01:640:423 Elementary Partial Differential Equations (3)
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (3)