Meteorology Planner

2027 Version
Photo: Circumzenithal arc.

Planner for students in Class of 2026 or earlier

Use this form to plan which semester you will take the required courses for the Meteorology major.

Recommended Schedule For: _________________________  Date:_______________

  Course Name Cred Course # Prereq Semester Offered Taken Future Schedule
1 College Writing 3 01:355:101   F,S            
  Scientific and Tech. Writing or   01:355:302                
2 Research in the Disciplines, or 3 01:355:201 1 F,S            
  College Writing and Research   01:355:301                
3 Contemp. Chall.: Diversities and Social Inequalities [CC-D] 3     F,S            
4 Contemp. Chall.: Our Common Future [CC-O] 3     F,S            
5 Historical Analysis [HST] 3     F,S            
6 Social Analysis [SCL] - Social/Cultural or Economic 3     F,S            
7 Social Analysis [SCL] - Government/Regulatory 3     F,S            
8 Arts and Humanities [AH] 3     F,S            
9 General Chemistry I 4 01:160:101/161   F,S            
10 Introduction to Experimentation 1 01:160:171 co: 9 F,S            
11 General Physics I 3 01:750:203 co: 15 F,S            
12 General Physics Lab I 1 01:750:205 co: 11 F,S            
13 General Physics II 3 01:750:204 11 F,S            
14 General Physics Lab II 1 01:750:206 co: 13 F,S            
15 Calculus for Math. and Phys. Sci. I 4 01:640:151   F,S            
16 Calculus for Math. and Phys. Sci. II 4 01:640:152 15 F,S            
17 Multivariable Calculus 4 01:640:251 16 F,S            
18 Differential Equations for Eng. 4 01:640:244 17 F,S            
  Num. Methods in Env. Sci. or   11:375:303 15 F            
19 Basic Statistics for Research or 3 01:960:401   F,S            
  Basic Probability and Statistics   01:960:379 15 F,S            
20 Introduction to Meteorology 3 11:670:101   F,S            
21 Introduction to Climate Science 3 11:670:102   S            
22 Meteorological Analysis 3 11:670:211 co: 20 F            
23 Computational Methods for Meteorology 3 11:670:212 22 S            
24 Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere 3 11:670:323 13,14,16 F            
25 Dynamics of the Atmosphere 3 11:670:324 17,24 S            
26 Physical Meteorology 3 11:670:431 17,24 S            
27 Remote Sensing of Ocean and Atm. 3 11:670:451 13,17 F            
28 Climate Dynamics 3 11:670:461 25,26 F            
29 Weather Analysis and Forecasting I: Synoptic Meteorology 4 11:670:433 25 F            
30 Weather Analysis and Forecasting II: Mesoscale Meteorology 3 11:670:434 29 S            
  Meteorology Electives (Choose two courses)                    
31 Hydrologic Processes 3 11:670:414 11,15 S            
32 Tropical Meteorology 3 11:670:444 25 S            
33 Air Quality Modeling 3 11:670:453 9,16,23 S            
34 Physical Oceanography 4 11:628:451 16 F            
35 Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry 3 11:375:346 9,15 F            
  Capstone Experience (Complete at least three credits)                    
36 Honors Tutorial II 1 11:554:298   F,S            
37 Aresty Research Assistantship 1.5 11:554:301/2   F,S            
38 Honors Tutorial III/IV arr 11:554:397/8   F,S            
39 GH Cook Scholars Program arr 11:554:487/8   F,S            
40 Severe Weather Forecasting Field Trip 3 11:670:334 22 Summer            
41 Research Problems in Meteorology arr 11:670:493/4   Any            
42 SEBS Internship I 3 11:902:300   Any            
  General Electives (Courses to bring you to 120+ credits)                    