The Department of Environmental Sciences at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS), Rutgers University administers the Meteorology Undergraduate Program. The Rutgers University Office of Undergraduate Admissions determines admission to SEBS. Students may enter SEBS from high school, transfer from another school at Rutgers, or transfer from another college or university.
High school seniors who are interested in studying Meteorology at SEBS should apply from the web page of the Rutgers Undergraduate Admissions Office. Priority application deadline is December 1 for freshman admission.
Students already enrolled at SEBS may change majors in order to transfer into the Meteorology Program. They should initiate this transfer by discussing the change with faculty advisers and others. Career counseling is available from Career Exploration and Success. A transfer requires use of the SEBS MyMajor website.
Students enrolled at other schools at Rutgers University in New Brunswick may transfer to SEBS by applying with the School-to-School Transfer Application. Before changing schools a student should discuss the change with the academic adviser and others. Upon acceptance and approval of the application by the SEBS Admissions and Scholastic Standing Committee, the student's transfer becomes effective at the end of the current semester, and an adviser is assigned by the Meteorology Undergraduate Program Director. For more information, see the Rutgers School-to-School Transfer page.
Students from colleges outside of Rutgers University may enter the program by applying for admission to Rutgers University. Applications and pertinent information may be obtained from Rutgers Undergraduate Admissions. The final deadline for the receipt of applications for admission for the fall term is February 1. It is advisable that students file applications early, particularly students from foreign countries who may be subject to delays in the mail service. A special orientation and registration day is held in the summer for transfer students.